I went in for a dental implant procedure over a year ago and haven’t been able to eat since. I a little over half of my teeth when I went in. However, they said that those wouldn’t last much longer so I should pull them and be done with it. At first, I thought that wouldn’t be possible because of cost. Luckily, I qualified for a loan program. I’ve been in complete pain ever since. I’ve gone back to the dentist and he says it’s fine. How can it be fine when I’ve been on a liquid diet for over a year. I’m losing too much weight. I don’t know what to do. Is this normal?
Dear Kevin,
No, this isn’t normal. It’s really a shame your dentist doesn’t seem interested in helping his patients who are in pain. You would think that would be the minimum effort. What you’ll need to do is get a second opinion from another implant dentist.
There’s a skill to this. First, do NOT tell him who did your original work. The reason for that is in case they are friends. You don’t want him feeling like he’s betraying a friend. Just tell him your symptoms and let them know that it has been that way since the beginning.
Hopefully, it is a simple fix. If it isn’t, and your dentist botched the dental implant procedure, what you’ll need to do is ask the second dentist to help you make a case for a refund so you can get the work done properly.
Dental Implants Versus Saving Teeth
I’m disappointed they told you to get rid of your remaining teeth. It is always better to have your natural teeth whenever possible, even it requires work to save them.
There are even dentures which have holes for the teeth you’ve retained. Plus, it will save you money on additional dental implants.
First order of business is getting this second opinion. You need to be able to eat. If you end up needing to replace them, use the second implant dentist. They can give you a good set of implant overdentures.
This blog is brought to you by Glendale, CA Dentist Dr. Robert. Thein.