When Dr. Robert Thein creates a new smile for you, he is so confident that you will love it that he backs his work with a “beautiful smile guarantee.” Here is how that works.
During your smile makeover procedure, he will give you several opportunities, at every step of the fabrication process, to review the smile and make sure you love it. Then, just before bonding it on, he will place it on your teeth temporarily so that you can get one final look at it before it is bonded on permanently. At that point, he won’t bond it on unless you love how it looks. He’ll send it back to the ceramist to remake, if necessary, to be sure it’s the beautiful smile you want.
The Process
Here’s how the smile design process works in our office. First, Dr. Thein will share with you his smile style book which is filled with pictures of smile styles. You can pick a smile you like, or just use the book as a way to discuss your expectations with Dr. Thein.
Then, he will create a computer simulation for you. This will put the smile design you choose with your face, and will help you see if you really want the design and the color you’ve chosen. Many people like to show this computer simulation to friends and family to get their opinions.
Next, Dr. Thein will create a wax-up of this design, which you will be able to examine. From the wax-up, he will have a template made that he will use to create a temporary smile makeover for you. You will get to wear this temporary makeover while your permanent teeth are made. If there is anything you don’t like about the temporaries, he will change them to suit your wishes.
Lastly, the porcelain smile makeover will be patterned after the temporaries. And then, it comes back from the ceramist, you will have a chance to try it on. After all the planning that has been done, we’re confident that you’re going to love your new smile and be anxious for it to be bonded on. But it case you are anything less than thrilled with how it looks, Dr. Thein will make whatever changes are necessary, including sending it back to the ceramist for a re-do if necessary, until you love how it looks. This is the beautiful smile guarantee—he won’t bond it on unless you love it.
Here is a sample case of one of his patients with her new smile:
Jo Ann came into our office. While she had a happy disposition, she didn’t want to smile because she was embarrassed about her teeth.
Here’s what they looked like. She has unattractive porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns on her lateral incisors – those are the ones right next to the very front teeth. Many dentists think they look good enough because they’re white. But people notice the black line at the gumline, and they’re opaque.
Dr. Thein did a dental makeover using the latest ceramic restorations to give her a natural smile. Jo Ann’s comment at the end of treatment was: “I am extremely pleased with my results and would recommend Dr. Thein to all who ask.” That’s what everyone says. When you have full input into the entire process, the way Dr. Thein does it, you’re of course going to be very pleased with the result.